Boustan, Ra’anan, David Frankfurter, and Annette Yoshiko Reed. 2023. “Introduction: Tours by the Light of Martha Himmelfarb”. In Above, Below, Before and After: Studies on Judaism and Christianity in Dialogue With Martha Himmelfarb, edited by Ra’anan Boustan, David Frankfurter, and Annette Yoshiko Reed, 1–12. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Boustan, Ra’anan, Karen Britt, and Jodi Magness and others. 2023. “The Ḥuqoq Synagogue Excavations: Report on the 2011–2018 Seasons”. In Ancient Synagogues Revealed 2, edited by Lee I. Levine, Zeev Weiss, and Uzi Leibner, 48–65. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
Boustan, Raʻanan, Karen Britt, Jodi Magness, and others. 2020. “Mehr Als Nur Mosaike: Die Antike Synagoge in Huqoq Im Israelischen Galiläa”. Antike Welt: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Und Kulturgeschichte 51 (1): 74–83. Publisher’s Version: Mehr als nur Mosaike: Die antike Synagoge in Huqoq im Israelischen Galiläa.
Boustan, Raʻanan. 2019. “Martyr, Martyrdom—Rabbinic Judaism”. In Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, edited by Hans-Josef Klauck et al., 17:1071–74. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Boustan, Raʿanan. 2019. “3 Enoch”. In The Textual History of the Bible, Vol. 2B: The Deuterocanonical Scriptures, edited by Frank Feder and Matthias Henze, 379–85. Leiden: Brill. Publisher’s Version: 3 Enoch.
Boustan, Raʻanan. 2015. “Metatron”. In The Routledge Encyclopedia of Ancient Mediterranean Religions, edited by Eric Orlin, Lisbeth Fried, Jennifer Wright Knust, Michael Satlow, and Michael Pregill, 594–95. New York: Routledge.
Boustan, Raʻanan. 2015. “Jewish Veneration of the ‘Special Dead’ in Late Antiquity and Beyond”. In Saints and Sacred Matter: The Cult of Relics in Byzantium and Beyond, edited by Cynthia Hahn and Holger Klein, 61–81. Washington, D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection.
Boustan, Ra’anan, and Joseph E. Sanzo. 2014. “Mediterranean Jews in a Christianizing Empire”. In The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Attila, edited by Michael Maas, 360–76. New York: Cambridge University Press.